< 계획, ~만 된다면... >
이번주 주말에 딸애랑 쇼핑가려고 해요
아이가 일로 너무 바쁘면, 미뤄야 해요
딸 시간이 되기만 하면, 같이 시간좀 보내면 정말 좋겠다
I'm planning to go shopping with my daughter this weekend.
If she's too busy with her work, we might take a rain check.
But as long as she has some time, it'd really nice to spend some time with her
이번주 금요일에 애들이랑 글램핑 가려고 해요
(혹시라도) 애들이 아프기라도 하면, 일정을 다시 잡아야 돼요
애들이 컨디션이 좋기만 하면, 가족들이랑 밖에서 시간 보내면 좋을 거 같아요
I'm planning to go glamping with my kids next friday.
If my kids get sick for some reasons, we might have to reschedule.
But as long as they're feeling OK, it'd be really nice to spend some time outside with the family
이번주 금요일에 회식이 있어요
술을 진탕 마시면, 아마 주말내내 골골 댈거(숙취에 시달릴) 같고요
너무 많이만 마시지 않는다면, 이번주 주말에 하이킹 가고 싶네요
I'm planning to go to a work gathering next Friday
If I get really drunk, I'll probably be hungover all weekend.
But as long as I don't drink too much, I'd like to go hiking during this weekend
< 정신차려보니 ~ 하고 있더라고 >
거기 앞으로 며칠간을 안가려고 했어요. 제가 다이어트 중인데 거기 빵집이 있거든요
그런데 며칠 후에, 완전히 까먹고 우연히(실수로) 거기로 지나갔어요
정신차려보니 빵이 가득한 봉지를 한가득 들고 있더라고요
I wasn't going to walk past there for another few days because I'm on a diet and there is a bakery there.
But the other day, I totally forgot about it and walked past there by accident
The next thing i knew, I had a bag-full of bread
- walk past : go by on foot
ex) every day, i sit at my window, watching the children walk past on their way to school
- walk past there 발음 : wal(k) pas(t) 묵음
- for another few days: 앞으로 며칠간
ex) if this continues for another few days, the damage will be limited
- but the other day : 그런데 며칠 후에 (several days ago)
<What's your favorite color ? >
어릴때는 보라색이었어요
지금은 검은색인거 같네요
솔직히 말하면, 좋아하는 색은 상황에 맞는 거에요
핑크색이 상황에 어울리면, 핑크가 가장 좋아하는 색이죠
어떤 상황에서는 흰색이 보기에 정말 좋다면, 그 때는 흰색이 제가 제일 좋아하는 색이에요
그리고 있잖아요. 모든 사람들이 그렇게 느낀다고 생각해요 (그렇게 느끼는 것 같아요)
아무도 확실하게 좋아하는 색을 갖고 있진않죠. 무슨말인지 이해하죠
보라색을 좋아하는 사람은 우울한 경향이 있다고 들었어요. 사실인지는 모르겠지만
사람들은 그들이 원하는 것을 믿을 수 있죠
저도 색과 어떤 감정적인 상태가 어느정도 연관성은 있다고 믿어요
그런데 어떤 사람이 어떤 특성을 갖고 있다고 함부로 말할 순 없다고 생각해요. 단지 그들이 어떤 종류의 색을 좋아한다는 이유로요.
My favorite color.. as a kid.. it was purple
Now i think it may be black
To be perfectly honest, my favorite color is whatever goes well with the situation.
If 'Pink' goes well at that moment. then 'Pink' is my favorite color
In some situation, if 'White' is looks really good, then 'White' can be my favorite color at that moment
And you know what, I think that's the way everybody feels
No one has really a definitive favorite color, you know what i mean.
I've heard those who likes purple tend to be gloomy. I don't know if it's true or not.
People can belive whatever they want
I do believe there're some connection between color and some emotional state.. maybe
But i don't think you can really say that some person has a certain kind of quality just because they likes types of color
In some situation
ex) In some situation, only one direction is needed to be surveilance
whatever goes well with ~
ex) Choose whatever goes well with the flavor and texture of the cake.
'English Study > 라이브 아카데미' 카테고리의 다른 글
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