시작은 좋았는데 < It started off really well >
~때문이었는진 모르겠지만 < I don't know if it was becase of
~부터는 ~ 시작했어 < It wasn't until the 4th or 5th episode that I started ~
시작은 좋았어
이국적인 설정 때문이었는지 모르겠지만, 처음 몇개 에피소드들은 재밌었어.
(그전까지는 괜찮다가) 4,5 화부터는 약간 답답해지기 시작했어.
그러니까, 나 이런거 꽤 잘 참는 편인데
그런데 이야기에 보탬이 되지 않는 것들이 좀 있다고 느꼈고 오히려 좀 거슬렸어.
첫 시즌 중간쯤 가니까, 문제점들이 나한테 좀 보이더라구.
여기 저기에서 좀 짜깁기 한거 같았어. 독창성이 없었어
첫 시즌이 끝날 때쯤 되니까 계속 봐야하는 건지 모르겠더라고
It started off really well
I don't know if it was because of its exotic setting, but the first several episodes were really interesting
It wasn't until the 4th or 5th episode that i started to get a little antsy.
I mean, I'm pretty patient when it comes to these things,
but i feel like there were some parts that didn't really add to the story, and felt more like distractions
About half way through the first season was when the cracks (really) started to show for me.
It felt like they were tracking bits and pieces from here and there. It just lacked originality.
By the time the first season came to an end.
I wasn't sure if I should(wanted to) keep watching
※ It wasn't unitl ~ that 관련
1. It wasn’t until 1984 that the company changed its name to Nissan.
2. It was in 1984 that the company changed its name to Nissan. (your "Polish version")
3. In 1984 the company changed it's name to Nissan.
-> All 3 sentences are correct and normal in English. They all describe the same event.
But they say different things about that event. Sentence 3 just describes the event.
Sentences 1 and 2 emphasize a specific thing about it
Q. So any information can be expressed this way?
'I met my wife in 1990. = It wasn't until 1990 that I met my wife'
I believe I emphasize the fact the I met her in 1990, not earlier, in the second sentence, right?
A. correct
By the time : 계속 되던 것이 ~ 때쯤
20대에게 전하는 메세지
모든 걸 너무 심각하게 받아들이지 말고, 젊을때 최대한 젊은걸 즐겨라. 하고싶은건 다 하도록 노력해라
왜냐하면 젊을수록 잃을게 적기 때문이야.
최대한 여행 많이 해라
살면서 돈은 언제든지 나중에 벌수 있으니, 돈을 쫓으려고 너무 노력하지 마라
건강을 챙기기에 늦은 나이란 없으니, 규칙적으로 운동하는 습관들여라.
새로운 사람들을 만나는데 주저하지 마라.
가능한 빨리 돈 관련 지식을 쌓아라
이 과정이 오래 걸리겠지만, 인내하고 성취해라.
Try not to take things too seriously and enjoy your youth while you have it and try to do everything you want
because you tend to have less to lose when you're young. (because the younger you are the less you have to lose)
Travel as much as you can.
You can always earn money later in life
so don't worry too much about making a lot of money (so don't try so hard to cahse money)
You're never too young to start caring for your health, so make it habit of working out regularly.
Never hold back from meeting new people.
Grow your financial literacy as soon as possible
This process can take a lot of time, be patient and get after it.
tend to + V : be likely to do something; to happen often;
later in life : 살면서 나중에
You're never too young to : ~하기에 절대 어리지 않다
get after it/them : usually used as encouragement for someone to “start doing something;” occasionally it can also include the action of physically running after someone
Small talks
<주제: 샤워>
스트리밍하기 바로전에 샤워했다. 한시간도 안된 시점에
일주일에 샤워 2번정도 한다. 자주 있지 않는 특별한 일이다
그래서 모자써서 망치지 않을겁니다
I just took a shower right before the stream
like not even an hour before the stream
I only take like two showers a week
So it's a special occurrence for me
So I'm not going to ruin it by wearing a putting on a hat
특별한날.. 내 남편과 비교해서는 꽤 자주 샤워하네요
Special day... you take a shower pretty often compared with my hubby..
에이 ~ 그럴리가요
Come on That's not true
<머리 기른지 얼마나? >
음 잘 모르겠지만 4~5 개월 정도 된거같아요
I think it's been like.. I don't know..
It feels like .. I mean... I'm not sure but it feels like it's been like 4 or 5 months
몇가지 하고 싶은 것들이 있지만, 올해 안에 할 필요는 없어요
내가 항상 하려고 하는 것과 거의 같은 것들이에요
There are things that I would like to do, but not necessarily within this year
It's just pretty much the same thing that i always try to do
<영어 공부>
오늘 함께해서 정말 좋네요
싱가폴에서 오는 VIP와 중요한 미팅이 있는데, 오랫동안 (영어) 연습을 못했어요.
오늘밤 목소리한번 내볼게요
It's really good to have you here today
I have an important meeting with VIP from singapore, and haven't practiced for a long time,
let me speak out tonight
제가 항상 말하듯이, 연습하는 좋은 방법은 .. 특히 특정 상황에서 영어를 사용하는 것을 준비할 때...
당신이 말하려고 생각하는 것들로 리스트를 만드세요
질문이 될수도 있고, 설명해야 하는 것들일 수 도 있어요. 그것들의 리스트를 만드세요
한국어로 먼저 써보고 그리고 그것들을 전부 영어로 바꿔보세요 그리고 스크립트 처럼 사용해보세요
(약간) 당신이 인터뷰 준비할 때 하는 것 처럼요
그게 우리가 인터뷰 준비하는 방법 아닌가요?
논의 됐으면 하는 것들로 리스트를 만들잖아요.
배우가 스크립트 준비하는 것처럼요
As i always say, a good way to practice especailly when you're preparing...uh... to use english in a specific kind of setting... make a list of things that you think you might talk about..
it could be questions or things that you have to expalin... make a list of it
write it out in Korean first and then try transferring that all into English and then you use that kind of like a script
you know kind of like how you prepare for an interview
Isn't that how we preapre for interview?
we make a list of things that you know that are likely to be discussed
you know like an actor preparing a scirpt
<노래 좋네요>
모르겠네요. 웹사이트에서 찾았어요. 제가 클래식 음악을 좋아해서 좋다고 생각햇어요
제가 사실 클래식 음악을 아주 좋아하거든요
많이 들어요. 좋다고 생각해서 play list 에 추가했어요. 그래서 있네요.
I don't know. I just found it on the website and i thought it was nice because i like classical music
I love actually love classical music.
I listen to it a lot and i thought it was nice, so I just threw it in my playlist so it's there
그거야 자기 취향에 전적으로 달린거죠
That totally depends on your taste
내가 알기로는 저작권은 작곡가의 수명에 70년을 더한 거에요
내가 이해하기로는 그래요.
From what i understand, copyright is for the duration of the composer's life plus 70 years
That's the way I understand it
마션? 멧데이먼 나오는 거?
Martian ? Is that the one with Matt Damon
<샤워 시간>
샤워해야 하는데.. 계속 들어야되네요.
I need to take a shower. But I'm keep listening
샤워 10분이면 끝나죠. 8분 30초 정도 남았네요. (그러면) 샤워 할 수 있죠.
저는 5분이면 샤워 해요
정말요? 저는 3초면 옷 벗을 수 있어요
You can take a shower in 10 minutes
We have about eight and a half minutes
You could take a shower
It only takes me like five minutes to take a shower
Really? like me,,, I can strip in three seconds
5분이면 충분하쥬
It's five minutes enough time
그래요 5분이면 완전 충분한 시간이죠.. 아 잠깐 여자면 얘기가 다르지..
여자는 보통 좀 더 오래 걸릴 거 같아요
남자는, 나는 5분 미만이라고 봐
Yeah five minutes is totally enough to take a shower i think
Oh wait.. Unless you're a girl
I guess take the showers usually take a little longer for a woman
For men, I say, no longer thatn 5 minutes
I'm still not used to it myself
So i don't blame you (for felling awkward)
I'm not the right person to be give you advice about ~
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