[Quick overview]
1. 거의 매일
2. 대체적으로는
3. 이게 사실 약간의 무게감이 더 있다
4. 큰 차이는 없어요
5. 추측해본다면
6. 전형적인
7. 상대가 안되는 것 같아요
8. 무시할 정도이다
9. 각자의 강점이 있다
10. 이게 들고다니기 쉽다 (편하다)
11. 이게 내용물을 더 많이 담는다
12. 무엇에 쓰느냐에 따라 달려있다
1. almost everyday
2. for the most part
3. This one has quite a bit of heft to it actually
4. If i were to guess
5. There's not much of a difference
6. typical
7. I'd say there's no competion
8. It was a very negligible amount
9. They each have their own strengths.
10. This one is easier to carry around
11. This one holds more content
12. It really depends on what you're using them for
이것들은 둘다 물병이고요, 둘 다 거의 매일 쓰는 것 같아요
여기저기 몇가지 작은 차이점을 빼고는 대체적으로 거의 같다고 할 수 있죠
디자인 면에서는 보시다시피 크기가 색상에 있어서 아주아주 비슷하죠.
이게 조금 더 크고 무게감이 꽤 더 있긴 하지만요
소재 부분에서는, 다시 말하지만, 큰 차이는 없어요
추측해본다면, 완전히 똑같은 재료로 만든 것 같아요
있잖아요, 이런 물건에서 흔히 볼 수 있는 스테인리스 스틸이랑 플라스틱 소재요
휴대성 부분에선 상대가 안되는 것 같아요. 이게 확실히 더 가볍고 손에 쥐기도 쉽고, 그냥 들고 다니기가 훨씬 편하거든요
가격의 경우에는, 이게 더 저렵하긴 했지만 (그 차이가) 정말 안 돼서 무시할 수 있는 정도 였어요
자, 실제로 사용하기 좋은 것은... 글쎄요... 정확히 말하긴 어렵네요
나름의 장점들이 있거든요. 이게 비록 가지고 다니긴 쉬워도 내용물은 이게 더 많이 들어가거든요
무엇에 쓰느냐에 따라 다르죠
These are both water bottles and I think I use both almost everyday
For the most part, I'd say they're pretty much the same aside from a few minor differences here and there
Design-wise, they're very very similar in size and color as you can see.
Although this one is slightly bigger and has quite a bit of heft to it actually
On the material side of things, again, there's really not much of a difference
If I were to guess, I'd say they were made from the exact same materials
You know, the typical stainless steel and plastic materials that we normal expect from products like these
In terms of portability, there's really no competition here because this is noticeably lighter and so much (more) easier to grip and just overall just more convenient to carry around.
As far as the price is concerned, I think this one was cheaper, but it was a very negligible amount
Now, when it comes to actual usability.. well, what can i say?
They each have their own strengths. Although this one is easier to carry around, this one holds more content.
So.. It really depends (on) what you're using them for
*heft : to lift, hold, or carry something heavey using your hands
ex) I watched him helft the heavy sack onto his shoulder
*noticeably : in a way that is easy to see or recognize
ex) Ellen had become noticeably thinner
*negligible : too slight or small in amount of be of importance
ex) The difference between the two products is negligible
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